Andrew Lloyd Webber, possibly the most prolific composer of Musicals, our modern-day Opera, is proudly presented by The Suburban Players. He has transformed wonderful stories, ranging from political and religious leaders to gothic novels and children’s books into incredible theatrical experiences.
Recreating some of his world-famous Musicals, the Playhouse vibrates with the energy, passion and beauty of his compositions. Peter Macfarlane masterfully leads a cast of more than 30 people into an extraordinary ‘Evening of Theatre with ALW’ bustling with song, dance, music and colour. We will take you for a ride in the wonderful land of ALW and his beautiful, beloved songs.
Ficha técnico artística
- Actúan:
- Cami Bruno, Santiago Cano, Sofia Chater, Nayla Dal Lago, Ivan Diamint, Jero Dodds, Joe Elverdin, Elisa Frogone, Jorge Gandolfo, Yvonne Gandolfo, Cynthia Green, Sophie Hansen, Rita Hostt, Alan Hughes, Mariano Muente, Andrew Munton, Axel Munton, Martin Munton, Matthew Munton, Mechi Munton, Nicole Munton, Paul Munton, Victoria Sambuelli, Diana Sandford, Nicolás Sansalone, Nacho Sinclair, Veronica Taylor, Juampi Ulens, Sofía Wilson, Mariana Yelpez
- Boletería:
- Lara Manovil, Dick Sturla
- Vestuario:
- Patsy Grisar, Mariana Luque
- Escenografía:
- Yamila Chiappe
- Iluminación:
- Gonzalo Ortiz, Gonzalo Ortiz
- Edición musical:
- Axel Munton
- Sonido:
- Lavecchia
- Microfonista:
- Belen Elcano, Sol Elcano
- Stage Manager:
- Chechu Capurro, Juanchi García
- Diseño:
- Matthew Munton
- Diseño gráfico:
- Matthew Munton
- Asistencia de dirección:
- Mechi Munton
- Producción:
- Lara Manovil
- Dirección musical:
- Nayla Dallago
- Dirección general:
- Peter Macfarlane
Duración: 120 minutos
Clasificaciones: Musical, Presencial, Adultos
Clasificaciones: Musical, Presencial, Adultos
19 Opiniones del público
1 Histórico de funciones
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